During family dinner time or comical conversations with my mother, we often laugh and joke about my alma mater Brother Rice High School because I felt like I was deprived of the right to decide what high school I want to attend for those four years (2010-2014).
My peers all laughed at me and threatened to revoke my “black card” many times because I was attending a “privileged, predominantly white school.”
Ass a result, I did not have to endure the violence and gang activity that Chicago Public School students were privy to.
“At least my friends got to choose what school they attend” I often say jokingly to my mother who laughs off my former disdain for Brother Rice knowing I would appreciate my high school experience in my adulthood.
Fortunately, my mother was right. Brother Rice High School taught me a multitude of lessons and experiences I would have been oblivious to had I attended school with my friends.
Schools like Simeon – basketball powerhouse and former stomping grounds of NBA players Derrick Rose and Jabari Parker – are great schools but they lack one thing … cultural diversity.
Freshman Year (2010-2011)
Taking my first steps into Brother Rice I was enraged at my mother for sending me to a predominantly white high school. Prior to enrollment at Brother Rice, I had barely ever seen a white person in my entire life.
I was accustomed to the gritty, predominantly African-American streets of Chicago’s Auburn Gresham community. To no avail, the first people I met in high school were Paco and Pedro, both of Hispanic descent.
As I walk into my first class and see my first white teacher ever in my life, I did not know what to think. I barely did work in Mr. Casey’s English class, but I was shocked to hear I was his favorite student and was not fulfilling my God-given potential in life.
I didn’t think it was possible for a white man to look past the color of my skin, discern the content of my character and see in me what I once failed to see in myself.
This was the beginning of my awakening to cultural diversity which would better prepare me for the “real world” after school.
My cultural diversity awakening continued to grow as I endured my first heartbreak, not in the form of a relationship, but in the form of crushing my hopes and dreams as a future NBA player.
Cliché … I know.
Basketball tryouts were underway, and I was ecstatic! I spent entire summers practicing and honing my skills for a chance to become a member of the Brother Rice Crusader basketball team.
As the coaches blow their whistles and all prospects assume our positions, we warm up via lay-up lines and prepare for our first drill.
The one on one drill.
Basketball players LOVE the one on one drill. Whether it’s on the hardwood or streetball, isolation one v. one basketball is the opportunity to humiliate our opponent during friendly competition.
As I eagerly wait in line and map out how I’m going to score the basketball … my name is called and I’m next up with the ball in my hand defended by my peer … Clifton Jones.
I score!
I score the basketball and get the traditional “And One” foul and I am on the floor arrogantly screaming I can’t be guarded.
As we complete the other drills and I continue scoring and shooting the ball well while analyzing the skills of the opposition, I am ONE THOUSAND percent sure I would make the team over people less talented and far less athletic than myself.
Boy was I wrong :’(
The next day I’m at my friend’s house awaiting night’s arrival to check Brother Rice’s website for my name and future jersey number. My name and number were absent and I’m immediately thinking “there must be a mistake.”
I scored, I played defense, I brought energy to the court, I spent endless days and nights preparing for this moment … how could I be overlooked?!
I cried, was enraged, and overcome with a plethora of emotions, but as my emotions finally subside, I learned a valuable lesson that my family warned me about for years.
You must be ten times better than the next person to even be considered for a spot in the real world.
This was the most valuable lesson my eyes were opened to during my freshman year at Brother Rice High School … the world doesn’t owe me ANYTHING.
Freshman year became a blur after basketball tryouts, I completed my school work, barely knew anybody, and was still getting acclimated to the abundance of culture exposed to me.
Sophomore Year (2011-2012)
Sophomore year was a million times better than my freshman year at Brother Rice. I was finally adjusting to the culture at Brother Rice and started making more friends.
During this year, I had an equal balance of black and white associates. This is the year I officially called Brother Rice my home. I was at peak comfortability …
I attended football games, basketball games, parties, and started meeting people from rival Catholic schools such as Marist, De La Salle, Marian, etc. Although Rice became my home, I still gave my mother hell for sending me to a predominantly white school knowing it would be difficult for a young black man to adjust to the cultural adversity.
Eventually, I started getting in minor trouble and received one-way tickets to the dean’s office. “Doc” was the dean’s moniker.
My mother received so many calls from Doc it felt like they were best friends. “What did Isaiah do now? My mother asked in a presumptuous tone.
“Something minor, but below Isaiah’s character” Doc always replied. My mother was never the one to plead for sympathy for me. She always told Doc to hand me substantial punishment whether it be in the form of detention or micromanaging my goofy behavior.
Well, that is until an unfortunate day in Coach Twardy’s swim class nearly induced the worst attitude from my mother, but ironically this was another key lesson I learned from Brother Rice.
Growing up as an African-American male there’s a stereotype that black people are far inferior to white people pertinent to swimming. In fact, many of my African-American friends never learned how to swim.
Brother Rice taught me how to swim but in the most militant manner possible. I was afraid to enter the deep end of the swimming pool during class because I almost drowned during my early adolescence at a water park before being saved by an unsung hero.
Regardless of my inner fear, coach Twardy was fed up with my refusal to enter the deep end. He pushed me into the deep end of the pool where I sunk before being pulled up by one of my classmates.
I was enraged!
I was angered by my failure and embarrassment and ran home to tell my mother what had transpired and to no avail … she was pissed. She wanted to raise hell but didn’t and I’m glad she didn’t because it taught me another lesson.
How to fend for myself in culturally diverse settings.
Growing up I was accustomed to defending myself against my own people, black people, but after the swimming incident I learned this is a sink or swim world.
Either you let yourself get punked and outworked (SINK) or you stand up for yourself, embrace who you are as a person, work hard and SWIM.
I never learned how to swim in Twardy’s class, but it taught me a virtuous lesson and gave me vivid imagery on the SINK OR SWIM theory. Moving on … I cruised through sophomore year of high school LITERALLY.
I did the bare minimum school work, but I passed all my classes and finally got acclimated to life at Rice, so I was content with life at the moment. In high school, I had a bad habit of living in the moment.
A youthful fool I was.
Junior Year (2012-2013)
Junior year was probably my most remarkable year at Brother Rice because I started meeting more teachers who saw something in me that I often failed to see in myself. The first teacher was Bill Gleeson.
Gleeson was not only my longtime history teacher for the remainder of my scholastic career at Brother Rice, but he was also the person, the coach that taught me how to swim the right way.
In Gleeson’s swim class, he was patient with me and made sure all eyes were on me until I got the job done right. He taught me that there are multiple ways to get a job done and if one method fails to try another one.
As I swam across the deep end of the pool without sinking, I was ecstatic. “I can’t believe I am swimming right now!” I thought to myself as I’m swimming and engaging in a friendly game of water polo with fellow swimmers.
As a swim student, I think I was fairly easy to deal with for coach Gleeson … as a student seated at a desk … well, that’s a different story. I wouldn’t be Isaiah if I didn’t challenge you.
And Gleeson not only answered the challenge, but he responded with a plethora of counter challenges that forced me to think.
Whether it was my earrings, attention span of a squirrel, chewing gum, talking during lectures, phone usage, or other disrespectful and arrogant conduct I threw at him, Gleeson saw through my façades and informed me about my untouched potential.
He told me that despite my behavioral patterns, I was one of the smartest students he ever met. It’s as if he was looking through a glass house. I was absolutely transparent in his eye.
Yes, Gleeson is a white man, but he never saw the color in any of his students. He was quick to check you and tell you about yourself whether you were black, white, orange, blue, yellow, cat, dog … it did not matter.
He would not take disrespect from anybody, especially a mere child like myself at the time. He taught me that it was acceptable to be my natural self and take on the world intellectually.
After challenging Gleeson, I was checked habitually and learned to respect him and myself for that matter. Thank you, Coach Gleeson. The second teacher I was blessed to encounter that would change my life is Mr. Alan Filan.

Mr. Filan was a quirky, energetic 61-year-old man who lived by proverbs and parables, often reciting them during lectures. “FIFTY FEET BABY, FIFTY FEET” is amongst my favorite parables recited by Mr. Filan.
The “fifty feet” analogy references the SINK OR SWIM theory. The plot of the theory is a man drowning 50 feet away from a boat, and the passengers only have 30 feet of rope to give, therefore he drowns.
Filan was implying to receive 100 percent effort you have to give it, but that flew over my head as I decided to …
Filan was my business law teacher at the time, and he lost patience with me as I was unseated during class time … and evicted me from the class.
Instead of going to the dean’s office and allowing Doc to surprise my mother with yet another phone call home, I decided to go to the washroom to call my mother and tell her what happened.
To my surprise, she wasn’t mad and ended up saving my behind. She called Doc who confronted Mr. Filan and told him he was overreacting before allowing me access back into the classroom.
Of course, I continue the disrespect by giving Doc a round of applause because I felt I did nothing wrong.
How naïve!
I figured Mr. Filan thought little-to-nothing of me prior to parent-teacher conferences, but he too told my mother I was wasting away my potential and acting out for no logical reason.
Sure enough, failing to take accountability, I thought the man was crazy and faked like I didn’t know what he was talking about. But I did! After I tested Filan and failed (yet again) … we established a healthy student-teacher relationship.
He was a person I could joke with and come to for some quirky, yet REAL wisdom. He always taught me business literacy and that nobody gives a damn about my feelings in the real world.
His business law and accounting honors classes will stick with me until I’m 6 feet under. Not because of the material he taught in the textbooks, but the morals, values, and life literacy he taught students like myself that would translate into adulthood.
Thank You, Mr. Filan.
To a relatively minor degree, I encountered passive racism during my junior year at Rice. In Mr. Albanese’s theology class, a white student felt my hair and said it felt like sheep sh*t.
Angered, I put my hands on him … and let’s just say he never said anything to me again. I was willing to defend my culture till’ the death of me … just like my ancestors.
Junior year was the quickest year of my life, probably because it was so much fun, and I learned so much in such a short time span. It truly solidified my gratitude and thanks to my mother for sending me to Brother Rice High School.
Senior Year (2013-2014)
It’s senior year and the place I call home is about to become a distant memory. Real life is about to begin, and I am extremely nervous about the uncertainty of the future.
Brother Rice was full of lessons that helped me become a better man today. There’s a saying that “you don’t eat the fruit as soon as you plant the seed” and my mother used Brother Rice to plant seeds in me that are beginning to blossom today.
Just when I thought everything was sweet, I secured my first job at County Fair Foods working immediately after school from 3-10 p.m., I got my first car, and I thought I had it made. Until tragedy occurred and I made a drastic mistake.
I got into a car accident after leaving Buffalo Wild Wings at Chicago Ridge Mall, and to make matters worse, the owner of the vehicle I struck was one of my close friends at the time … Michael Tyler Jr.
Realizing I would be without a car, I went into instant depression and was eager for this moment in life to pass swiftly. And sure enough it did, rather swiftly I would say.
A couple of months after the accident, I missed a day of school as part of my mental health daybreak. However, tragedy eventually told me “you get no breaks” when my friend Michael Tyler Jr. sent me a text message informing me that “Mr. Filan was killed.”

My mother and I along with the Brother Rice community were in disbelief. “How could our beloved teacher be killed?” we asked ourselves during a period of bereavement and confusion.
It’s funny as humans we often forget death greets EVERYONE in any shape or form, but it never hurts any less. Rest in Paradise Mr. Filan. I had to endure the remainder of the year in Filan’s accounting honors class without him and to be honest, it just wasn’t the same.
It seems when he died, he took the class with him as we never overcame the tragic death of Mr. Alan Filan. FIFTY FEET BABY, FIFTY FEET!
Prom and Graduation
The remainder of the senior year went by rather swiftly as I was nearing the end of a beautiful journey and chapter of my life. Prom season was amongst us and I went through over ten prom date prospects before I finally secured one.
Yes, TEN … no exaggeration.
The date of prom was no walk in the park probably because the intent of my heart was not pure.
I only wanted to go on prom for two reasons: for a rental car that my mother promised me for the entire week and since I’m her only born son and first-born child I wanted to give her a memory.
It nearly turned into a disaster. As I arrived at my prom date’s house to pick her up, her friends and family were not welcoming at all. I felt as if it were me against the world.
Family and friends were questioning me and threatening me to the point I was forced to call for back up. I called my family and friends who arrived and ended the conflict swiftly.
Thank God. After the storm cleared, my prom date and I took off to Brother Rice’s prom where the difference in culture was heightened. To the corner were me and my African-American friends watching people of different cultures on the dance floor convening.
We wanted to hear hip-hop music, but our inquiry was denied.
Earlier that day, I was forced to serve a Saturday detention because I got caught on my phone and refused to pay the $25 fine since I was a senior and graduating.
Doc made sure I paid my due diligence in some way, shape, or form. Can’t say that I was mad at him, it taught me to take accountability for my actions as opposed to evading them.
After prom, was graduation … the ceremonial end of my journey at Brother Rice High School.
Looking back, I did not understand the value of my time at Brother Rice, but I now understand and appreciate why my mother sent me to Brother Rice High School.
Rice was not only superior educationally, but it also engulfs its students into a multicultural environment that tests the SKILL and WILL of each and every student.
I am forever grateful for my mother planting the Brother Rice seed within me.
Thanks, Ma! To my fellow readers, feel free to share your high school experience and even compare it to my own down below! Respectful dialogue is encouraged! Thank you.
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Thank you all!
What a great read! Writing is definitely your gift. I look forward to reading more of your work, and I hope you’ll remember me when you make the bestsellers list!!
Always and forever! You’re family !
Wow , I was stimulated as you engaged me as reader. You have found your gifting, what an interesting journey and lessons learned. I want to use this in preparation for my 8th graders for high school.
Great job Isaiah; we are also proud to call you an alumni of St Sabina Academy
Thanks Pastor! You planted seeds well before i stepped foot on Brother Rice’s territory!
As a former McAuley girl, I felt this!! Keep it up!!
Wow Isaiah! I am proud of how you have learned from your experiences. Your mother is a great woman that I am proud to call friend. God sent you to the right one. I pray that your journey continues to help you grow into the great man that you are destined to become
Thank you for the love !
I’m glad you have fond memories of Rice. Even before you were born, I’d always said if I have a son, he’s going to Rice. I feel like, though greatly financially impacted, it was one of the best decisions I ever made. We often don’t see the greatness of the experience when we are in it, because youth is wasted on the young. I’m glad your 20/20 hindsight has given you great memories of what I feel is a great educational institution. #ricepride
Thanks. Love you! #RicePride
Love you too. #RicePride
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